What is mediation?

I know, you’re probably thinking you know exactly what meditation is, right? It gives many people peace and balance. But this isn’t meditation. It’s mediation (minus the “T”).

Mediation is simply negotiations with the assistance of a neutral party (aka mediator). Believe it or not, mediation has been around for thousands of years and almost everyone has been a mediator in some capacity. Have you ever gotten in the middle of an argument between two children and you helped them come up with a resolution? If so, then CONGRATULATIONS, you have mediated.

Mediation in divorce, business, civil cases, etc, may not be as simple as mediating two children who are arguing. That’s when you will need the assistance of a neutral/mediator who is registered with The Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution (that would be me!).

While mediation can be intimidating, daunting, and just downright scary, at Mingo Mediation Services, we provide a relaxed, friendly atmosphere that will help ease your mind. Mediation is informal, CONFIDENTIAL, and can save you time and thousands of dollars compared to a jury trial.

Do you want to know if you should give mediation a try? No sweat. Take less than 60 seconds to take our 6 question quiz to find out. Just click here!

Thanks for stopping by Mediation Madness with Mingo Mediation Services!